Dave Stech


Dave Stech

Simply put, Dave accelerates dentists’ path to financial and time freedom by helping them add a zero to both quicker.

His signature keynote is Financial AND Time Freedom for Dentists: 6 Keys to Accelerate Both AND Live Life on YOUR Terms.

In 2023, he created his latest keynote as part of the Dentist Legacy Series called The 10 Things I Want My Grandkids (and Kids) to Know Before I Go.

Dave’s has also built a safe Insider community for dentists called ACCESS™; an invitation-only community of already successful dentists who want to add a zero together.

Dave speaks at Harvard Business School and dental conferences where he shares his annual State of the Union for Dental Entrepreneurs: Where Are We NOW and What’s Coming NEXT? Dave is a market timer and invests in real estate and early-stage technology companies, including dental tech.

In 2005 at Harvard, Dave predicted the housing market collapse; in 2011 he predicted the bottom of the real estate market and began buying real estate in 14 markets that have since tripled or quadrupled in price in the last 11 years. In 2019, Dave predicted a recession in 2020, and we all know what happened.

Dave heads up Stech Family Office with his two sons, one of which is Founding Partner of the largest private lender in America valued at over $2 billion, and is now co-founder/CEO of America’s fastest growing residential real estate investor marketplace that Forbes recently featured in its “Annual 25 Next Billion-Dollar Startups”.

For more info, contact [email protected]